Critical Illness Insurance Advice in Newcastle 

What is critical illness insurance? 

If you are diagnosed with a critical illness, it can severely impact your finances as you may need some times off work for your treatment and recovery.  

Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum payment when you are diagnosed with one of the specified illnesses covered by your policy. 

Here Malcolm has compiled a video to talk to you about the significance of having the correct insurance in place for your situation.  

What Insurance is Right for you? | MoneymanTV

Dedicated Protection Specialist 

If you are looking for critical illness advice in Newcastle, please get in touch to speak to a Life Insurance Specialist in Newcastle. We give all/existing customers a free, no-obligation protection review that can often be arranged on the same day. During this consultation, you’ll get teamed up with one of our Specialist Mortgage Advisors in Newcastle

They will look at any existing policies you have in place and assess their suitability, then recommend you with the best insurance policy that matches your circumstances and meets your monthly budget.  

What illnesses are covered by critical illness insurance? 

Some of the illnesses covered by critical illness policies differ between providers. To give you an idea, certain types of Cancer, Heart attack & Stroke are covered as standard by most insurers. However, it’s vital that you read the policy document thoroughly to understand what is and isn’t covered.  

Does critical illness insurance cover pre-existing conditions? 

You need to be honest and tell the truth when filling your application; otherwise, you are at risk of voiding your entire policy.  

Having a pre-existing condition does not mean that you will be unable to find someone that will offer you critical illness insurance.

Date Last Edited: April 6, 2023