Finding your footing on the property ladder for the first time, or jumping in once again at the end of your fixed term, can feel a little daunting at times.

There are plenty of routes these days for homeowners and home buyers to take for themselves, but you ideally want to get it right first time, especially with so much money involved.

Of course, we firmly believe that our service as a mortgage broker in Newcastle, will benefit all during their mortgage process, especially first time buyers in Newcastle.

Whilst we are confident in our ability to assist our customers, we also understand that it is not for everyone and some may still be unsure of how we can help.

As such, we have put together a balanced overview of why coming to a mortgage broker in Newcastle may benefit you in some cases, as well as why sometimes you may prefer to go direct to the mortgage lender instead.

What are the pros & cons of using a mortgage broker in Newcastle?

Cost Effectiveness

In the minds of many, you are much more likely to save money by going direct and finding your own mortgage deal. This isn’t entirely untrue, as a mortgage broker in Newcastle may charge a fee, though this is very much circumstantial.

If you’re experienced in doing it yourself, have a straightforward case and knowledge of lender criteria, by all means this will be easier and more cost-effective. The downside to this comes with more complex cases and people who don’t understand the lender criteria.

Without the know-how, you could either end up on the wrong deal, or unsuccessfully applying for a mortgage deal. Both of these situations could result in you spending more money than you have to, or damaging your credit score, harming your chances of applying for a mortgage in the future.

A trusted mortgage advisor in Newcastle will always aim to get their recommendation right first time, at the cheapest deal they can find. Whilst again, this may come with a service fee, you could be saving yourself a lot more money in the long run.

Local Bank Branch Relationships

Another point that many older customers think works in the favour of the bank directly, is the way the mortgage process was previously run. Before the rise of technology and online banking, you would be a loyal customer of your local branch regularly, often speaking to the same people.

When it came to a mortgage, you would sit with the bank manager themselves, who would “know your finances inside and out”, and they would be the one to approve a mortgage for you. A lot has changed since then though, and credit scoring is now all done digitally.

That means the bank manager won’t personally run through your case. Instead your case will be run against a complex online system, to determine whether or not you qualify for a mortgage. These days, everyone gets a fair shot, no matter which bank you are with.

Exclusive Mortgage Products

Tying into the previous point, many believe that you can get better, exclusive deals only by going direct. Once again, this is somewhat true, but only part of the story. See, they can offer great deals, but only from their own company.

The problem here is that not all mortgage lenders are banks and there are lots of different options out there to choose from. The best deal your bank can offer, might not be the best deal overall that you could’ve gone with.

That’s once again, where it is beneficial taking out mortgage advice in Newcastle. A dedicated mortgage advisor will be able to run through your case, and match you up to a suitable deal with one of the many lenders they have on panel, rather than from just one source.

It’s also worth noting on the topic of exclusivity, that you may also find deals with a mortgage broker in Newcastle, that you can’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, looking to remortgage in Newcastle or have a more specialist case, there will be more options for you when going with a mortgage broker.

Changes to Regulation & Consumer Protection

Following the 2007-08 credit crunch, the mortgage market needed an overhaul. As outlined in the 2014 Mortgage Market Review, lenders were no longer able to sell mortgages to their customers on a non-advised basis.

What this meant, was that you couldn’t just walk into a bank, tell them you want a mortgage and be granted it without any checks. You also couldn’t be granted a mortgage by anyone in the bank, as this was something that would happen regularly, whether they were qualified to do so or not.

In addition to this, these changes also brought about consumer protection, that a bank otherwise wouldn’t have given you. You now have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman if you feel mis-advised in any way. You also can make a claim via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

This is a tick in the column for both mortgage broker and mortgage lender alike, as it means no matter which journey you take, you’ll be safe, secure and professionally advised.

Booking an Appointment with a Mortgage Advisor in Newcastle

One area where the mortgage lenders fall short and the mortgage brokers excel, is that it can sometimes literally take months to try and speak with someone at a bank. Once you have made that contact and started your process, you’re not always guaranteed to be kept in the loop.

A unique selling point of our own, is that we are able to speak with you at times that best suit you and your schedule. Our mortgage advisors in Newcastle are here from morning until late, every single day of the week, including weekends. You might also find us working on some bank holidays too!

If you’re lucky, you might find yourself with an appointment on the same day, but that also doesn’t have to be the case. Want to speak with someone in a few days time? You are more than welcome to do so!

These advisors have time slots that best suit your lifestyle. Work 9-5 and need to speak with someone later that evening? We’ve got you covered! The best part is that with our online booking feature, it’s never been easier to speak with a qualified mortgage advisor!

Further to this, we pride ourselves on being responsive with our customers. This means no matter what stage of the mortgage process you’re in, you will always be kept in the loop. If there are any changes, your advisor will let you know as soon as they are able to do so.

It’s because of mortgage brokers in Newcastle like us, offering this level of customer service, that the public perception of mortgage brokers has changed. This has led to more people than ever getting in touch with their local experts, rather than going to the big banks.

Handling of Complex Scenarios

Sometimes a mortgage situation might be a bit more difficult than the average case. Frequent examples of this that we’ve encountered over the years, include (but are not limited to);

  • Mixed Deposit (Savings & Gift) – This means auditing two different sources.
  • Zero Hour Contract Workers – Will there be a consistent income?
  • Wanting to Make a Second Purchase – Can they afford to make that additional purchase?
  • Self-Employed with No Fixed Income – This is always a challenge for Self-Employed applicants.
  • Poor Credit History – A lender will not look favourably upon an applicant who has mismanaged payments in the past.
  • Affordability – Can they afford a mortgage full stop?

In the past, mortgage lenders could easily compete with one another by offering deals that were better than the other. Times have changed since then, and now the main difference in which deal you go with, is whether or not you match the criteria.

A deal might well be cheaper, but you may not be eligible for it. The mortgage lender will run either a hard search (leaves a footprint on your credit file) or soft search (leaves less of a footprint on your credit file), to see if you are indeed able to have that mortgage.

If you apply for the mortgage with a lender and are declined an agreement in principle, this will likely damage your credit file. Worst of all, it is very unlikely you will be given a reason as to why you were declined, which can be understandably frustrating.

On the flip side to this, a mortgage broker in Newcastle will be able to run through your case beforehand, making sure you’re good to go, and informing you of anything you need to do to better your chances of being accepted.

Using the lenders they have on panel, they’ll be able to match you with deals that you may well be eligible for and look to get you agreed in principle. Obtaining your agreement in principle through Newcastlemoneyman, will usually take no more than 24 hours of your free mortgage appointment.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to be agreed, nor does it guarantee a mortgage at the end, but it’s much safer for your credit file to have an expert comb through beforehand. As expert mortgage advisors in Newcastle, we always aim to get our recommendation right the first time.

In Conclusion; Should I use a mortgage broker in Newcastle?

Ultimately, it’s your choice. As you can see, there are indeed pros and cons to going with a mortgage broker in Newcastle. Conversely, there’s also plenty of pros and cons to going direct as well. It basically comes down to how quick you want your service to be, and how secure you want to be.

As a mortgage broker in Newcastle, led by 20+ year industry veteran Malcolm Davidson, we have helped thousands of customers with their mortgage goals. From first time buyers in Newcastle getting onto the property ladder, to people at the end of their fixed period, looking to remortgage in Newcastle, it’s safe to say we’ve done it all.

If you would like to speak with a responsive, open & honest, FCA regulated mortgage expert, feel free to book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment or remortgage review, with one of our fantastic mortgage advisors. We’re here to help with all your mortgage needs, with time slots that best suit you, subject to availability.

To learn more about our service, please feel free to take a look at our genuine customer reviews. They are a wonderful reflection of the levels of service we give to our happy customers, on a regular basis. If you would like to learn more about the world of mortgages, check out our YouTube Channel, MoneymanTV.

Date Last Edited: April 14, 2023